Beautiful killdeer
Sam Rino
Building at nature preserve
Sam Rino
Killdeer Feeding
Sam Rino
Northern Flicker
Sam Rino
Redheads have more fun
Sam Rino
Greater yellowlegs shorebird
Sam Rino
Great Blue Heron
Sam Rino
Black skimmer in flight
Sam Rino
Snowy egret looking for fish
Sam Rino
Beautiful Mute Swan Swimming
Sam Rino
Perfect Reflection
Sam Rino
Black necked swan
Sam Rino
Nature preserve meets NY City
Sam Rino
Swan and her babies
Sam Rino
A look at NY city at dusk from a nature preserve
Sam Rino
Lesser Yellow Legs
Sam Rino
Greater yellow legs
Sam Rino
Beautiful killdeer #1
Sam Rino
Lesser Yellow Legs #2
Sam Rino
Lesser Yellow Legs #3
Sam Rino
Lesser Yellow Legs #4
Sam Rino
Sanderling looking for food
Sam Rino
Beautiful hooded merganser
Sam Rino